понедельник, 6 марта 2017 г.

Is globalisation a good or bad process?

Is globalisation a good or bad process?
Globalisation is a term used to describe the way in which the world is developing a single economy and culture. This phenomenon is changing people"s experience of everyday life all over the world. Globalisation is definitely about progress. It promotes global understanding, improves the quality of manufacturing and leads to better products. However, some people claim that globalisation benefits the rich nations, who control prices, who influence the economies of poor countries and cause  populations to migrate in order to try and improve their lives. This is a misconception. There are a great many of advantages brought by globalisation.
The main advantage of globalisation is that it has been a force for change in so many ways for so many people. Globalisation connects people by means of communications and offers them new opportunities.  It has given them acess to information and improved their lives, and has given global mobility to skilled workers.
Another major advantage of globalisation is fair trade. Fair trade has the ability to lift people out of poverty. It creates a level playing fields and allows countries around the world to share their best products, goods and services. Many workers in developing countries now have employment because of globalisation.
Nevertheless, a lot of people point out that globalisation has a great amount of disadvantages. It damages the natural environment, destroys local cultures and exploits workers. This is not entirely true, because globalisation benefits all nations by increasing competitiveness and efficiency.

To sum up, there are a lot of unquestionable many advantages of globalisation. It creates competition, encourages better standarts and pushes the boundaries of international communication. Globalisation means progress and increasing wealth.
Egor Anureev

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